Principal's Corner

Welcome to Crossroads Elementary School!

Crossroads Elementary School (CES), a DoDEA 21st century learning environment, opened in spring of 2015, combining the school populations of three legacy schools aboard MCB Quantico. CES serves approximately 700 students in Grades PreK-5 who live in military housing aboard the base. At CES, staff and students work collaboratively to master DoDEA College and Career Ready standards in all areas of the elementary school curriculum. Each grade level neighborhood houses 4 studios and a central hub where all members of the neighborhood work together. Every teacher in the neighborhood shares the responsibility for meeting the needs of every student.

The 21st Century Building provides flexible uses of space to meet the needs of students and individual programs. The flexible spaces include one-on-one rooms, conference rooms, common areas, Information Center, television production room with green screen, STEAM Lab with 3-D printer and robotics kits, a roof top garden with a butterfly habitat. Students track the building’s energy efficiency through a real time computer display of the wind turbine activity and the solar panel input. In the fall, live specimens of guppies, snails and butterfly larvae add to student studies of biological science.

Our day begins each morning with collaborative planning with colleagues and district level Instructional Support Specialists (ISS) which builds our system of support for intentional planning and development of a world class learning environment that meets the needs of all learners. The CES master schedule provides learning opportunities using Problem Based Learning with integrated curriculum. Each student engages in thirty minutes of daily focused intervention time where the teacher implements data driven activities to enrich and support academic achievement. Our special education and support staff support the classroom teachers and students through individualized programs, co-teaching, and collaborative planning and teaching.

Our CES eagles SOAR with uniform expectations for behavior and voice levels:


On task



In each area of the school, we have posted reminders of our shared definitions of SOAR and our shared expectations for the level of our voices. These uniform expectations guide us through every aspect of the school day, including the bus ride to and from school.

CES offers a full range of student services to include:

  • Special Education Programs of Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)
  • Math Intervention
  • English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • School Counselors
  • School Psychologist
  • Full Time School Nurse
  • Classes in Music, Art, PE, and STEAM
  • Advanced Academic Program
  • Information Center Services

CES maximizes every opportunity to build strong school/home/community partnerships. We have an active PEA (Parent/Teacher Association) who provides support to all students and programs. Each year, they host several special events to support the school and community. Due to the global pandemic the events have been modified, but the PEA continues to collaborate on community events that meet the base and DoDEA COVID guidelines. PEA events are augmented by the Adopt-A-School partnership with the MCB Quantico Officer Training School (OCS), which allows officer candidates to gain volunteer experience in the school. Students of Quantico Middle/High School (QMHS) earn community service credit through support of PEA activities and special school events.

We look forward to another great year together. Come SOAR with us at CES!


Jamila Mannie official photo, principal for Crossroads Elementary School

Dr. Jamila Mannie

3315 Purvis Road
Quantico, VA 22134-1702
United States

Official photo for Dr. Lynsey Lee, Crossroads Elementary School

Dr. Lynsey Lee

3315 Purvis Road
Quantico, VA 22134-1702
United States

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