Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Ben Kolodziej.

Mr. Ben Kolodziej

3315 Purvis Road
Quantico, VA 22134-1702
United States

Official photo for Dr. Lynsey Lee, Crossroads Elementary School

Dr. Lynsey Lee

3315 Purvis Road
Quantico, VA 22134-1702
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Julie Allen Speech
Chad Ankersen Teacher
Attendance Contact Attendance Attendance
Jasmine Aye Teacher
Natarsha Baker Teacher
Mary Basu Teacher
Whitney Boesch Cafeteria Manager 571-660-9568
Jacqueline Bond School Counselor 3-5
Mari Bottelson STEM/Math Enhancement
Melissa Brush Speech
Tachaundra Burrus Teacher
Lisa Byrd School Counselor K-2
Cassandra Cheeks Teacher
Susan Cissell Reading Specialist
Claire Coffey Speech Assessor
DR. Lisa Cordova Physical Therapist
Jessica Darrow Teacher
Robin Dials Teacher
Lisa Farnsworth Teacher
Beth Favor Teacher Advance Academics/ESL
Christopher Frasu Music
Nancy Green Physical Education
Ann Hall Teacher
Mary Hansen Teacher Advance Academics
AnnMarie Johnson Teacher
Janet Larsen Teacher
Cynthia Less Nurse
Jeannette Maitner Teacher
Andrea Martin Special Education
Dr. Darnelle Mason Occupational Therapist
Sonia Moss Teacher
Nora Mulhern Teacher
Lisa O'Dell Teacher
Kelly Palazzo Teacher
Dawn Pedraza Teacher ESOL
Dr. Karen Pustejovsky Assessor
Registrar Registrar 571-660-9565
Steve Ricciutti Teacher
Janyne Roers Teacher
Francesca Rusk-Wallace Teacher
Victoria Russ Teacher Math IS
Marni Saenz Webmaster Educational Technologist
Kristy Shea Teacher
Kristen Smith Teacher
Raquel Sundberg Teacher Art
Alissa Swafford Teacher Reading Specialist
Charles Utter Teacher
Jennifer Villa Teacher
DR. Pamela Westbrook Information Specialist (Librarian)
Amber Yearick Teacher

School Hours

Grade Start Time End Time
PK - 5th Grade 8:25 am 3:00 pm

Arrival Dismissal Procedures


  • Students should not arrive before 8:45 am.
  • Students eating breakfast should go to the cafeteria upon arrival.

As you pull into the Kiss & Go a staff member will open the passenger side door to receive your child. If your child is eating breakfast they will go directly to the cafeteria. If not, your student will report to the gym and sit with their neighborhood.


A staff member will bring out all Kiss & Go students in the afternoon. Each parent should have the Kiss & Go decal placed in the passenger side of their vehicle dash with their child's neighborhood and last name listed. A staff member will walk the line of cars and call for the students based on the decals placed in the dash. Please ensure you have a picture form of identification for pick-up.

Pre-Kindergarten Arrival and Dismissal


Bus Riders: The teacher and aide will meet the bus in the bus loop at 8:30 AM or 12:30 PM. They will walk the bus riders into the building and down the "street" (hallway) nearest the bus loop.

Crossroads ES PreK arrival diagram

Parents line up in the hall adjacent to the front office until you see your child's teacher. Walk your child to the end of the hall, indicated by the star, to join their teacher.

Walkers/Car Riders: Parents will come into the front door adjacent the front office and wait with your child until the Pre-K teacher and aide come into the building with the bus riders. When the Pre-K teacher and aide get to the intersection of the halls you may walk your child down to meet them. The teachers will not break from their line of students, but will wait for you to walk your child to them. This will ensure each student is monitored at all times.


The afternoon pick-up will be the same. Parents can wait in the same waiting area adjacent to the front office and when their child's class arrives at the same intersection the teacher will release the student to the parent.

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