When hurricanes, snow or other severe weather conditions occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early.
School Closings
Before the School Day Begins
The Community Superintendent, in collaboration with the Command, determines the status of the schools during inclement weather. When the decision is made to close or delay the opening of school, MCB Quantico G-3 personnel will notify the local radio and television stations with the decision.
The following radio stations will announce closing:
- WPWC 1480 (am) Quantico
- WFLS 1350 (AM) Fredericksburg
- WTEK 106.7 (FM)
- WCXR 105.9 (FM); 93.3 (FM)
- WDCT 13.10 (AM)
The parents of students who are registered at one of the schools on MCB Quantico will receive an automated telephone message from school personnel when schools are delayed, closed, or dismissing early due to circumstances listed below. The telephone call with this automated message will be made to each telephone number on file in the student data base. The Base Cable TV Channel 72 will also carry the announcement.
In the event announcement of closing the base schools is not broadcast prior to 7:15 a.m., normal routine day will be in effect for all personnel. The base website will also carry closure information. Go to: www.quantico.usmc.mil
After the School Day Has Begun
Circumstances where the closing of school may be necessary are lack of electricity or fuel, breakdown of equipment, severe weather conditions or national emergencies.
We request that you make prior emergency arrangements for your child to stay with a neighbor or condition them as to what they should do in such a situation. We relay such closing to the local radio station and call as many parents of four-year old and kindergarten students as possible depending on the situation.Â
NOTE: In case schools are closed temporarily because of an epidemic, snow, or for other necessary cause, the Superintendent may require such loss of time to be made up within the school term or may extend the school term.
Quantico Schools are not part of Prince William or Stafford County School Systems. Announcements pertaining to these two systems do not affect Quantico Schools.